Strengthening Democratic Resilience Through Digital Twins (TWIN4DEM)
TWIN4DEM brings together scholars of the social sciences and humanities, computational social sciences (CSS) and democracy stakeholders to jointly address one of the most pressing contemporary issues: what causes democracies…
Forging Peace in the Shadows: Czechoslovak Pugwash and Pugwash in Czechoslovakia
This research proposal explores the history of the Czechoslovak Pugwash committee and Pugwash in Czechoslovakia, highlighting the pivotal role of both in promoting science diplomacy in the Soviet bloc. It…
Gender aspects of disinformation dissemination and reception from the perspective of the theory of social media performativity and identity theory
The aim of the project is to investigate the Czech disinformation milieu from three theoretical perspectives – gender theory, the theory of social media performativity and identity theory. It will…
Beyond Borders: Roles of Local Government in the Long-term Integration of UkrainianRefugees. Insights from Poland and the Czech Republic
The primary scientific objective of the project is to carry out an in-depth analysis of the rolesplayed by municipalities in Poland and the Czech Republic in the long-term integration of…
Strengthening democratic and inclusive participation in political processes (INSPIRE)
Participatory and deliberative democracy processes are lauded for addressing political distrust and polarisation by deepening public engagement but are often criticised for their failure to include disempowered groups. The EU-funded…
A Subaltern That Sings: From Sound Resistance to Musical Diplomacy in Wartime Ukraine
The project brings together two academic discipline: cultural diplomacy and postcolonial studies – to reveal how Ukrainian musicians and activists use acoustic means to raise their visibility on a global level…
Peace Research Center Prague II.
The transformation of the international order represents the most profound challenge to world politics in decades, undermining the prospects of peace and collaboration on the global scale and in Europe…
Challenges and opportunities for EU heritage diplomacy in Ukraine
The project HER-UKR: will address the role of cultural heritage in the EU’s external action. A consortium of 15universities will bring together…
Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European Union Support for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance (ENSURED)
The European Union (EU) and its members have long been key supporters of global governance. Yet the rules-based international order and multilateralism are widely believed to be in crisis. The…
Identifying News Slant in Crisis Communication Using Artificial Intelligence
Project applies different text mining and natural language processing methods, including novel approaches based on language modelling and deep learning to develop a new model for identifying slants in online…