Beyond Borders: Roles of Local Government in the Long-term Integration of UkrainianRefugees. Insights from Poland and the Czech Republic
Provider | Czech Science Foundation |
Programme | Lead Agency grant projects |
Project code | 25-14619L |
Participants | Faculty of Social Sciences Charles Unviersity, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin |
The primary scientific objective of the project is to carry out an in-depth analysis of the roles
played by municipalities in Poland and the Czech Republic in the long-term integration of Ukrainian refugees. Both countries have witnessed an unprecedented influx of Ukrainian citizens following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Despite this common challenge, they possess distinct local government systems and have adopted varying approaches to managing the initial refugee crisis and implementing long-term integration strategies.
This research topic has been selected due to the limited international research concerning the long-term effects of the Ukrainian refugee influx on Central and Eastern European countries, as well as the critical role local governments have in facilitating integration.
Furthermore, the research team aims to contribute to the understanding of the significance of the local aspect in refugee policy formulation during crisis and post-crisis situations.
Project team of FSV UK (4)
PhDr. Petr Jüptner, Ph.D.
Principal investigatorPhDr. Jakub Hornek, Ph.D.
Team memberPhDr. Ing. Ilona Masopustová
Team memberMgr. Jakub Čapek
Team memberShare this project with others
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