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Gender aspects of disinformation dissemination and reception from the perspective of the theory of social media performativity and identity theory

Provider Czech Science Foudation
Programme Standard project
Project code 25-16125S
Participants Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University

The aim of the project is to investigate the Czech disinformation milieu from three theoretical perspectives – gender theory, the theory of social media performativity and identity theory. It will focus on 1) mapping disinformation and conspiracy narratives that include the category of gender (particularly anti-gender discourse and anti-feminism in context of rising illiberalism in Europe), their content, and online distribution channels and 2) analysis of reception of these narratives by women and men active online to explore the influence of these narratives on the construction and performance of female and male identity and their impact on the public and media debate about gender. On the theoretical level, the project aims to 3) apply the intersectional lens to the study of disinformation and its reception and create analytical tools for a nuanced understanding of the impact of disinformation on public debate. The project is designed as interdisciplinary (sociology, anthropology, media studies, politology) and mixed-methods (content analysis, digital ethnography, interviews)

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Principal investigator
PhDr. Lenka Vochocová, Ph.D.
+420 774 922 137

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