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State-Owned Enterprises as Economic Statecraft Actors? The Case of Russia

2021 - 2024
Provider Czech Science Foundation
Programme Standard project
Project code 21-23328S
Participants Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University

State-owned enterprises (SOE) and their investments are regarded as tools of foreign policies of authoritarian countries such as Russia or China. The majority of authors speaks about direct control of these firms by the leadership of the countries of origin and the use of SOEs for the purposes of economic statecraft. The project nevertheless argues that Russian SOEs, in line with the theory of new SOEs, hold a high degree of autonomy in their operations. The state nevertheless supports them in their actions. This claim is examined on the example of the Russian SOEs and their foreign actions under President Vladimir Putin.

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Principal investigtor
Mgr. Karel Svoboda, Ph.D.
+420 267 224 288

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