Migrant integration in non-metropolitan areas at individual, diasporic and institutional levels. Vietnamese settled in the Czech borderlands.
Provider | Czech Science Foundation |
Programme | Standard project |
Project code | 21-06818S |
Participants | Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University (coordinator), Faculty of Arts Charles University |
The project explores processes of the integration of migrants settled in non-metropolitan localities of the host country referred to as New Immigration Destinations (NIDs) – specifically, in border regions within the Schengen Area free mobility zone, and how rural and peripheral feature of NIDs affects the integration at the individual, organizational (diasporic) and institutional (municipalities) levels. The project focuses on the case of Vietnamese migrants settled on the Czech-German and Czech-Austrian borders and explores their integration in the context of transnational, ethnically and linguistically diverse, peripheral and symbolic feature of borders and of historical changes of the borderlands. It stems theoretically from the concepts of integration, diaspora and NIDs and research design engages mixed methodology combining statistical analysis, textual data and content analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic research in order to deeply explore the influence of the environment and local policies, intergroup contacts and in-group (diasporic) structures on the integration.
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