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Local Lives of Antibiotics: Antibiotic Prescription and Consumption as Cultural Practices

Provider Czech Science Foundation
Programme Standard project
Project code 25-16436S
Participants Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University

Grounded in the One Health approach, which recognises the interconnectedness of human,

animal, and environmental health, this project explores socio-cultural, political, and organisational factors underlying antibiotic (ATB) resistance. By viewing ATB consumption and prescription as social practices, we aim to understand how professional contexts, local cultures, and structural inequalities shape them. The project examines ATBs use and consumption in human and veterinary medicine through six work packages, emphasising interdisciplinary collaboration and highlighting the role of social context in shaping medical decisions. Key research questions explore the social perception of antibiotics, the impact of local contexts on prescription practices, and the articulation of antimicrobial resistance risks. We plan to employ a variety of research techniques (quantitative and qualitative) to understand how responsibilities regarding ATB resistance are constructed by different actors and how the meanings attributed to ATBs influence prescription practices in different contexts.

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Principal investigator
PhDr. Mgr. Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Ph.D.
+420 267 224 215

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