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Local libraries in the digital age as a tool for the integration of migrants´ children

Provider Technology Agency of Czech Republic
Programme ÉTA
Project code TL03000193
Participants Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University

Contemporary Czech society is facing many challenges, including growing ethnic diversity. The most prominent case is the city of Prague. The share of foreigners in some of its neighborhoods reaches almost 20 percent. In order to prevent growing hostility and political radicalization, it is essential to integrate minorities into Czech society. An important role – especially in the case of children – could be plaid by local libraries that struggle with their declining traditional position in society. On the basis of a thorough analysis of the needs of children from migrant groups, local municipal libraries in Prague will strengthen their “community” role and improve their capacities in integrating infant migrants.

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Principal investigator
Mgr. Ondřej Klípa, Ph.D.
+420 267 224 297

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