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From Silence to Resilience II: Assessing the Communication of Public Institutions

Provider Charles University
Programme 4EU+ minigrant
Project code 4EU+/23/F2/11
Participants Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University (coordinator), University of Milan, University of Warsaw

Based on previous joint work, 3 expert workshops, a thorough elaboration of the detailed state of communication of public institutions, their public silence and/or communication mistrust and disunity (from academic and professional point of view), exchange of Polish, Italian and Czech practical, social, political and academic experiences and mutual consideration of the best possible continuation and development of the topic, we propose to work in the second part of the research cooperation on a model of evaluation of public institutions at different levels within the framework of the project named: From Silence to Resilience II: Evaluation of Communication of Public Institutions.

Meanwhile, other political and social developments have further demonstrated how appropriate, consistent and functional public administration communication is essential for public and stakeholder resilience.

We would therefore like to work on a methodology for assessing institutional communication in an
well-established team, in parallel with an attempt to incorporate it into a joint European grant, variants of which we are currently considering.

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Principal investigator
PhDr. Tereza Klabíková Rábová, Ph.D.
+420 222 112 268

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