Forging Peace in the Shadows: Czechoslovak Pugwash and Pugwash in Czechoslovakia
This research proposal explores the history of the Czechoslovak Pugwash committee and Pugwash in Czechoslovakia, highlighting the pivotal role of both in promoting science diplomacy in the Soviet bloc. It…
Negotiating ‘Serbhood’: Layers of memories among the Serbs in the post-Yugoslav and postwar space
This project examines the interaction between individual memories of interethnic violence in the Yugoslav Wars and the politics of memory channeled through grand ethnonationalist narratives among people of Serbian ethno-national…
Beneficent Multi-Agent AI Avatar in a Small Democratic Society (CZDEMOS4AI)
Bringing together legal, ethical, educational, media, security and psychological studies, the interdisciplinary project CZDEMOS4AI aims to explore the societal implications of the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context…
Plurality of memories
The development of cooperation in the field of education is one of the key objectives of 4EU+. Joint educational activities aim to test and improve innovative teaching methods and provide…
Linking Arms: Central Europe´s Weapons Sector, 1954-1994.
Despite the divisions of the Cold War, Austrian- and Czechoslovak-made weapons never circulated neatly in separate spheres of East and West: instead, both belong to a joint history of two…
Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe)
The CoRE project is defined as problem-oriented research into the relationship between resilience (society resilience) and conflict in Czech society. And this in reflection on the unprecedented war situation in…
Claims Conference University Partnership Program in Holocaust Studies
With assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany supported by the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future, Charles University offers regular courses…
The Past is Present: The Use and Misuse of Traumatic Historical Events in Foreign Policy
How do traumatic historical events shape contemporary foreign policy? This question has been made more pressing by the rise of European populist parties who advocate revisionist policies, which they legitimize…
Negotiating World Research Data: A science diplomacy study (NEWORLDatA)
Exploring the origins of global scientific data exchange systems Science relies on global structures to exchange data whose origins and configuration are still largely unknown. The EU-funded project NEWORLDatA will…